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The Neapolitan Smorfia. Meaning of dreams and numbers

Describe an event that happened or enter the keywords of the most relevant elements of your dream.

Discover the meaning and interpretation and find the numbers from 1 to 90 to play at Lotto and Superenalotto.

Unfortunately, the Neapolitan Smorfia does not guarantee winnings.

What is the Neapolitan Smorfia

According to history, the term Smorfia is linked to the name of Morpheus, the god of sleep in ancient Greece and seems to have very ancient and mysterious origins. In fact, legend has it that its origins lie within the Jewish kabbalistic tradition (Qàbbalah), as according to the kabbalists in the Holy Bible there are words, letters and signs that have mysterious meanings and that numerology is used in it to associate with each name a number ... The history of the cabal

Classic Neapolitan Smorfia

84 - Classic Smorfia: church 84

Remembering and interpreting dreams

There are dreams that are not easy to remember because they contain traits of confusing images, while others are clear and sharp that seem to have really happened. In any case, the Neapolitan Smorfia comes to our aid and advises us to follow this small but useful vademecum:

- write the sequential thread of the dream on a piece of paper and write down the most important sensations;
- highlights elements that most impressed you (eg people, places, objects etc.);
- exclude not very predominant symbols, those that were not influential;
- you get 4 or 5 keywords, search for them in our search engine separately;
- note the different meanings of the words and the relative numbers;
- combine the individual meanings, resulting in a valid explanation.

If you need help write us via email or social media, remember that the Neapolitan Smorfia is a popular tradition combined with the psychoanalytic technique of free associations.

Today's numbers chosen for you

Every day we select 3 of the 90 numbers available to be able to play the lucky triplet, you decide where to play them and maybe you let us know how it went.


Pull the tombola

the panariello of tombola

The Neapolitan panariello is the container with which the numbers are extracted in order to play the game of Tombola. Select how many random numbers it has to draw for you by simulating a draw, then decide how and where to play them.

Meaning of dreams: latest research

The latest research: the latest dreams, the meaning and the relative number, you too compose the bet!

Lottery and games: latest draws

Next draw:
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Latest Lottery drawings

Extraction n. 48

Tuesday 25 March 2025

WHEEL1o extr.2o extr.3o extr.4o extr.5o extr.

Latest extractions of Superenalotto
Extraction n. 48 Tuesday 25 March 2025

Winning combination




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11.200.000 €