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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Anniversary aunt. Dream interpretation and the numbers for the lottery

Here's what anniversary aunt means in dreams. The numbers of Smorfia

remember an anniversary 18
Meaning of the dream: susceptibility

aunt 87
The meaning of the dream could be: unscrupulousness

uncle or aunt 20
Dream Interpretation: quarrels in the family

celebrate an anniversary 23
If you dreamed it, it means: confidence misplaced

engagement anniversary 26
The dream interpretation is: acuity of judgment

anniversary of birth 49
Here's what it might mean: excessive dynamism

kiss an aunt 21
According to the Smorfia it means: problems in the family

resemble the aunt 67
For the cabal it could mean: considerable internal enrichment

wedding anniversary 86
To dream this means: windfall

anniversary of the death of a relative 81
The explanation according to the cabal is: steadfast friendship

heir aunt 41
Dream meaning: lucky chance

anniversary 16
The meaning of the dream could be: hopes fulfilled

great aunt 54
For the cabal, the interpretation is: small problems

birthday day 52
If you dreamed it, it means: discomforts passengers

sister's birthday 31
Esoteric meaning: hypocrisy, deceit

celebrate a birthday 44
Here's what it might mean: peaceful and serene life

surprise birthday 37
Interpretation and meaning: utilities by friends

birthday dance 5
For the cabal it could mean: confidence to be accorded

birthday invite 65
Explanation of the dream: in reality no cure your person

wishes for birthday 6
The explanation according to the cabal is: realization of credits

Eighteenth birthday 22
Dream meaning: you think you've got what you deserved

congratulations for a birthday 8
The meaning of the dream could be: physical exuberance

toast for a birthday 78
For the cabal, the interpretation is: evidence of affection

recollect a recurrence 44
If you dreamed it, it means: inner dissatisfaction

jubilee 25
Esoteric meaning: hopes fulfilled

fiftieth anniversary 38
Here's what it might mean: We should not allow people full of arrogance and pride we mortify

golden wedding anniversary 62
Interpretation and meaning: realization of hopes

birthday party 30
For the cabal it could mean: reasonably good health

birthday gift 77
Explanation of the dream: economic hardship

birthday cake 81
The explanation according to the cabal is: good wishes in the family

divine grace 47
Dream meaning: despair

divine service 14
The meaning of the dream could be: tranquility of conscience

Divine Comedy 8
For the cabal, the interpretation is: surprise trip

divine providence 14
If you dreamed it, it means: satisfaction by a young

birthday girl 66
Esoteric meaning: unexpected revelations

being chased by a bull 37
Here's what it might mean: contingencies to deal

leaping from his chair 70
Interpretation and meaning: modest fortune

godmother 28
For the cabal it could mean: perseverance in action

singing by train 56
Explanation of the dream: We will attempt to corrupt

wearing wedding ring 26
The explanation according to the cabal is: amorous proposals

helper 68
Dream meaning: right insights

fighter wounded 78
The meaning of the dream could be: quarrels short

wolf suckling her young 54
For the cabal, the interpretation is: Luckily the game

resistant fabric 42
If you dreamed it, it means: spirit of contradiction

amount credited 80
Esoteric meaning: negative behaviors to a friend

panting for a run 33
Here's what it might mean: everything will be fine

being cut off the tips of the fingers 23
Interpretation and meaning: dishonor, loss or discord with your

put on horseback carrying a letter 74
For the cabal it could mean: things unpleasant and unwelcome news

subsisting on soup 32
Explanation of the dream: maturation of projects

inhabitant of Africa 36
The explanation according to the cabal is: indecision and doubts

interest-bearing 5
Dream meaning: overcome difficulties

diligent aide 15
The meaning of the dream could be: displays of affection

traveling salesman 5
For the cabal, the interpretation is: failed attempt at reconciliation

flies on the food 44
If you dreamed it, it means: tormenting dilemma

go out of tune in singing 48
Esoteric meaning: new experience

resisting heat 60
Here's what it might mean: good luck

shivering with fever 13
Interpretation and meaning: unwillingness

undertaker with case 6
For the cabal it could mean: sudden rise

wizard that gives numbers 75
Explanation of the dream: someone is deceiving

comforting brothers 87
The explanation according to the cabal is: abundance