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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Be robbed of the ashes. Dream interpretation, numbers for the lottery

Here's what be robbed of the ashes means in dreams. Interpretation

ashes of dead 49
Meaning of the dream: waste of energy

walk in ash 10
The meaning of the dream could be: selfishness and greed

spread the ashes 37
Dream Interpretation: grief for relatives

ashes in the mouth 1
If you dreamed it, it means: tries to be less apprehensive

be robbed his wallet 28
The dream interpretation is: great disappointments

be robbed 1
Here's what it might mean: misadventure

Cashier robbed 40
According to the Smorfia it means: strained relations

jeweler robbed 68
For the cabal it could mean: loss of a friend

robbed shepherd 43
To dream this means: sick passenger

ash of Vesuvius 8
The explanation according to the cabal is: help to be given to a relative

amass ash 58
Dream meaning: fear of betrayal

ash vacuum cleaner 80
The meaning of the dream could be: hostility

ash carbide 17
For the cabal, the interpretation is: states of tension

collect ash 41
If you dreamed it, it means: quarrels with family

insurer robbed 43
Esoteric meaning: rivalry secret

robbed screaming 69
Here's what it might mean: confidences to avoid

robbed hurt 30
Interpretation and meaning: unpleasant surprises

fall asleep stripped 72
For the cabal it could mean: frustrated ambition

vacuum ash 87
Explanation of the dream: tribulations

robbed lovers 31
The explanation according to the cabal is: flattery interested

be Cook 67
Dream meaning: responsibility

be dumbed down 1
The meaning of the dream could be: you re on the road to become minister

be transformed 38
For the cabal, the interpretation is: You do a trip or you will change your place of abode

be overtaken 58
If you dreamed it, it means: bad conscience

be beheaded 77
Esoteric meaning: tranquility of mind

be ignored 90
Here's what it might mean: a secret will be revealed and this will cause amazement and embarrassment

be raped 13
Interpretation and meaning: anxieties to be reckoned with

be burned 27
For the cabal it could mean: your negative experiences do not have served to nothing

be consumed 30
Explanation of the dream: you are received gladly everywhere

be prosecuted 88
The explanation according to the cabal is: anxious for some news to come

be won 61
Dream meaning: little attention to job

be pushed 12
The meaning of the dream could be: happiness

be brought back 8
For the cabal, the interpretation is: unnecessary fears

be accused 87
If you dreamed it, it means: good reputation

be washed 6
Esoteric meaning: a corpse lying unrevenged

be challenged 24
Here's what it might mean: reconciliation with enemies

be set 17
Interpretation and meaning: honors and offices in the dreamer

be kissed 22
For the cabal it could mean: disappointment from false friends

be excommunicated 68
Explanation of the dream: decisive events

to be blocked 31
The explanation according to the cabal is: boredom and loneliness

be buried 12
Dream meaning: you'll get many goods

be embraced 3
The meaning of the dream could be: need consideration from someone

be ferried 66
For the cabal, the interpretation is: It will prove to be simple

be hanged 3
If you dreamed it, it means: more the gallows is high, the greater the honor that we receive

be cremated 8
Esoteric meaning: quiet life

be seduced 38
Here's what it might mean: head job

be judged 74
Interpretation and meaning: insecurity

be shot 55
For the cabal it could mean: you will be isolated

be a surgeon 25
Explanation of the dream: opportunities must be seized

be stabbed 49
The explanation according to the cabal is: a person who can not see for a long time to get sorrows

be used 7
Dream meaning: blessing

be sent away 49
The meaning of the dream could be: controversy boring

be a hairdresser 3
For the cabal, the interpretation is: contrasts of love

be fed 4
If you dreamed it, it means: soon everything will turn to better

be scarred 36
Esoteric meaning: a cruel person that you can not forget

be thanked 77
Here's what it might mean: I earn

be photographed 20
Interpretation and meaning: do you treasure the experience of others

be reprimanded 61
For the cabal it could mean: you are not sure about some choices

be accompanied 20
Explanation of the dream: do you feel lonely

be hunchback 51
The explanation according to the cabal is: declining health