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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Boars above the roof. Dream interpretation and numbers for the lottery

Here's what boars above the roof means in dreams. Neapolitan Smorfia

fall from the roof 59
Meaning of the dream: moral force

drip roof 40
The meaning of the dream could be: stubbornness and rebellion

roof unsafe 70
Dream Interpretation: request for help

lower the roof 24
If you dreamed it, it means: trouble passing

owl on the roof 13
The dream interpretation is: bad news

walk on the roof 27
Here's what it might mean: brilliant statement

chimney on the roof 42
According to the Smorfia it means: friendships helpful

masons on the roof 19
For the cabal it could mean: duty to perform

pigeons on the roof 84
To dream this means: prosperity and well-being

dragonfly above water 80
The explanation according to the cabal is: loving meetings

collapse of the roof 70
Dream meaning: morally negative period

cat on the roof 16
The meaning of the dream could be: to curb impulsiveness

dove on the roof 47
For the cabal, the interpretation is: happiness innocent

see cats on the roof 1
If you dreamed it, it means: unfavorable successful your business

lie down on the roof 61
Esoteric meaning: stable situation

uncover a roof 67
Here's what it might mean: ambition fulfilled

climb on the roof 3
Interpretation and meaning: success and progress

natural roof 44
For the cabal it could mean: ascent cycle

roof falls 53
Explanation of the dream: considerable damage

wrecked roof 1
The explanation according to the cabal is: you can not decide

roof of a church 76
Dream meaning: security and aid

roof of a house 17
The meaning of the dream could be: new ideas to be realized

lightning rod on the roof of a house 64
For the cabal, the interpretation is: malicious accusations

still above water 22
If you dreamed it, it means: certainty in action

roof 45
Esoteric meaning: limits in terms of mental or spiritual

go to the roof 60
Here's what it might mean: thwarted love

tiled roof 63
Interpretation and meaning: need of rest

thatched roof 79
For the cabal it could mean: displeasure passenger

put a roof truss 62
Explanation of the dream: disease

tenant above 88
The explanation according to the cabal is: loss for those who dream, profit for the person in the dream

above 49
Dream meaning: you will have small sorrows

mustard above the table 82
The meaning of the dream could be: bickering and dispute

pass over the ditch 29
For the cabal, the interpretation is: deceit

fly over an abyss 34
If you dreamed it, it means: little ailments

roof tiles 78
Esoteric meaning: reward expected

airplane over there 19
Here's what it might mean: triumph of opposition

walk over garbage 21
Interpretation and meaning: serious opposition

be over the ruins 20
For the cabal it could mean: you will fall in great embarrassment

step over an obstacle 18
Explanation of the dream: distrust in the near

climb over the fence 18
The explanation according to the cabal is: Give yourself small evasion

step over a stream 50
Dream meaning: sudden rise

jump over a ditch 38
The meaning of the dream could be: You will overcome the difficulties

climb over a gate 11
For the cabal, the interpretation is: emotional sensitivity

climb over a wall 13
If you dreamed it, it means: poor tolerance

boar biting 18
Esoteric meaning: betrayal foil

wild bear 24
Here's what it might mean: inability to concentrate

wild artichoke 90
Interpretation and meaning: you ve had some bad experiences

wild honey 66
For the cabal it could mean: firm friendships

wild radicchio 59
Explanation of the dream: novelty and letters

rock above the water 75
The explanation according to the cabal is: Councils concerned

ceiling 85
Dream meaning: limits in terms of mental or spiritual

mountain falling on a plain 35
The meaning of the dream could be: ruin of honest people or powerful man

white ceiling 12
For the cabal, the interpretation is: love affairs

ceiling paintings 35
If you dreamed it, it means: peace in the family

colored ceiling 3
Esoteric meaning: great ideas

ceiling with stucco 48
Here's what it might mean: business trip

ceiling cracks 68
Interpretation and meaning: Alternatively criticism

water from the ceiling 51
For the cabal it could mean: bad situations that do not improve

spider on the ceiling 36
Explanation of the dream: Successes and personal satisfaction

black sunroof 80
The explanation according to the cabal is: sure intuition