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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Build an institution. Dream interpretation and numbers for the lottery

Here's what build an institution means in dreams. Neapolitan Smorfia

build an institution 32
Meaning of the dream: reassurance

hired by an institution 76
The meaning of the dream could be: agitated life

confine someone in an institution 41
Dream Interpretation: someone wants to take away your freedom

seeing the collapse of an institution 58
If you dreamed it, it means: your certainties have collapsed

banking institution 64
The dream interpretation is: intrigue friends

build on sand 19
Here's what it might mean: contrasts to overcome

charitable institution or foundation 33
According to the Smorfia it means: you wise resolutions

build a partition 37
For the cabal it could mean: ambition fulfilled

build a villa 40
To dream this means: melancholy

build on a rock 17
The explanation according to the cabal is: vivid imagination

build the sled 40
Dream meaning: serenity and health

build stable 19
The meaning of the dream could be: imaginative projects

build a palace 80
For the cabal, the interpretation is: declining health

build a kennel 46
If you dreamed it, it means: friendly meetings

build a kite 45
Esoteric meaning: moodiness family

build a swimming pool 44
Here's what it might mean: loneliness and insecurity

build furniture 73
Interpretation and meaning: regard and esteem

build the bomb 21
For the cabal it could mean: impediments to relatives

build up the police 64
Explanation of the dream: ill will

build an altar 82
The explanation according to the cabal is: prudence with collaborators

build a bridge 85
Dream meaning: unpleasant events

build a road 7
The meaning of the dream could be: efforts unprofitable

build 17
For the cabal, the interpretation is: moodiness family

build a fence 31
If you dreamed it, it means: you do not have trust in others

build a trench 70
Esoteric meaning: life calm and hardworking

build a bench 32
Here's what it might mean: lack of enthusiasm

build sepulcher 5
Interpretation and meaning: marriage birth of a child

build churches or other 90
For the cabal it could mean: joyfulness

build a house 60
Explanation of the dream: good business

build the rack 66
The explanation according to the cabal is: Luckily the game

build a tomb 4
Dream meaning: loss of friends

build your own house 15
The meaning of the dream could be: overcome differences

construct a building 6
For the cabal, the interpretation is: unpleasant news

build dams 14
If you dreamed it, it means: sad thoughts

building a boat 51
Esoteric meaning: great love

institute 6
Here's what it might mean: you need security

institute for the elderly 37
Interpretation and meaning: fruitful achievements

build the numbers 60
For the cabal it could mean: something is not right in the counts

raise wall 45
Explanation of the dream: poor luck

set up a table 9
The explanation according to the cabal is: to overcome adversity

set up a showcase 61
Dream meaning: opposition in family

start a family 23
The meaning of the dream could be: good luck

set up a ship 77
For the cabal, the interpretation is: need for greater elasticity

form a party 21
If you dreamed it, it means: you are experiencing a period of little professional freedom

create alarmism 9
Esoteric meaning: period of personal confusion

establish conditions 35
Here's what it might mean: contempt of danger

open a shop 18
Interpretation and meaning: strange friendships

the impression of creating anything 79
For the cabal it could mean: good omen and arrival of money

visit a construction site 38
Explanation of the dream: momentary setbacks

bark with an ax 15
The explanation according to the cabal is: approvals for work

walking in an alley 6
Dream meaning: lack of confidence in the future

arm in a sling 45
The meaning of the dream could be: imprudence in speaking

contracting a disease 14
For the cabal, the interpretation is: spirit stingy

cause a disaster 6
If you dreamed it, it means: serious concerns

open a door or gate 5
Esoteric meaning: quarrels with neighbors

attend a meeting 84
Here's what it might mean: loneliness

use scissors 87
Interpretation and meaning: violent character

Abbot in procession 39
For the cabal it could mean: crucial meeting

share a property 9
Explanation of the dream: original ideas

attend a funeral 39
The explanation according to the cabal is: misfortune and pain