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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Collect nuts chestnuts. Dream interpretation, numbers for the lottery

Here's what collect nuts chestnuts means in dreams. Interpretation

gather chestnuts 69
Meaning of the dream: activities lucky

dried chestnuts 75
The meaning of the dream could be: resistance to work

bag of chestnuts 60
Dream Interpretation: good business

string of chestnuts 62
If you dreamed it, it means: lengthy negotiations

to roast the chestnuts 60
The dream interpretation is: revenge satisfied

chestnuts 28
Here's what it might mean: luck and win in each case

eat chestnuts 60
According to the Smorfia it means: economic benefits

buy chestnuts 6
For the cabal it could mean: unnecessary waiting

shell chestnuts 27
To dream this means: good health

fresh chestnuts 61
The explanation according to the cabal is: exceptional news

sell chestnuts 39
Dream meaning: readiness to act

peel chestnuts 16
The meaning of the dream could be: events pleased

boil chestnuts 40
For the cabal, the interpretation is: wise reflections

boiled chestnuts 78
If you dreamed it, it means: consistency in action

chestnuts burned 43
Esoteric meaning: program changes

crumple chestnuts 38
Here's what it might mean: happy future

drying chestnuts 62
Interpretation and meaning: bad speculations

roasted chestnuts 31
For the cabal it could mean: satisfactions and gains

collect gloves 89
Explanation of the dream: physical exhaustion

collect wounded 24
The explanation according to the cabal is: hostility of the family

handful of chestnuts 89
Dream meaning: interesting discoveries

collect ash 41
The meaning of the dream could be: quarrels with family

collect weapons 1
For the cabal, the interpretation is: squabbles interest

collect books 41
If you dreamed it, it means: obstinacy

collect rubble 30
Esoteric meaning: actions turbulent

collect the grass 33
Here's what it might mean: honors and gains

basket with chestnuts 66
Interpretation and meaning: scruples exaggerated

green chestnuts 8
For the cabal it could mean: concerns work

collect brambles 75
Explanation of the dream: very little damage

collect sawdust 12
The explanation according to the cabal is: compromising entanglements

collect thyme 32
Dream meaning: regret for lost opportunities

collect sweet smell 36
The meaning of the dream could be: very hard work

dried fruit 51
For the cabal, the interpretation is: Health Concerns

collect eggs 9
If you dreamed it, it means: shyness and fear

collect votes 78
Esoteric meaning: obligations and concerns

collect cereals 74
Here's what it might mean: great imagination

collect blame 81
Interpretation and meaning: small gain

collect land 16
For the cabal it could mean: exceptional strength

collect ears 6
Explanation of the dream: good omens

collect garlic 65
The explanation according to the cabal is: meetings

collect violets 3
Dream meaning: feelings paid

collect items 5
The meaning of the dream could be: symbol of the male sexual organ

collect a clover 33
For the cabal, the interpretation is: earnings

collect spinach 18
If you dreamed it, it means: reliable information

collect wisteria 51
Esoteric meaning: you have a true friend

collect peas 73
Here's what it might mean: economic security

collect the last breath of someone 11
Interpretation and meaning: wrongs to be repaired

glazed chestnuts 2
For the cabal it could mean: your fortune depends on what occult

smoked chestnuts 35
Explanation of the dream: quarrels

36 - Classic Smorfia: chestnuts 36

Exposure Between chestnuts 84
Dream meaning: good news will make you serene

collect the weekly pay 83
The meaning of the dream could be: safe pace in business

collect at sea 9
For the cabal, the interpretation is: visiting a relative who has not been seen for a long time

collect straw 84
If you dreamed it, it means: embarrassing situation

collect olives 34
Esoteric meaning: good success

gather figs 15
Here's what it might mean: misfortune

collect network 87
Interpretation and meaning: economic solutions

gather sheaves 3
For the cabal it could mean: worries

collect rock 38
Explanation of the dream: Understanding affective

collect olives from the ground 21
The explanation according to the cabal is: uncontrolled reactions