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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Dad with blue bathrobe. Dream interpretation, numbers for the lottery

Here's what dad with blue bathrobe means in dreams. Interpretation

man in bathrobe 79
Meaning of the dream: You have a useless fear

white bathrobe 17
The meaning of the dream could be: sorrows of love

colored bathrobe 21
Dream Interpretation: envy

wearing a bathrobe 15
If you dreamed it, it means: projects in family

bathrobe 30
The dream interpretation is: personal needs or privacy issues

give a bathrobe 12
Here's what it might mean: presumption

father (dad) 9
According to the Smorfia it means: fear of the judgment of an influential person or of a superior

bathrobe for kids 80
For the cabal it could mean: prosperity

blue dress 51
To dream this means: nearby a woman

Pope walk 3
The explanation according to the cabal is: ardor and exuberance

blue bow 88
Dream meaning: Late regrets

blue penguin 36
The meaning of the dream could be: strong emotions

blue muslin 67
For the cabal, the interpretation is: quick fix

wear blue 90
If you dreamed it, it means: excellent prospects

blue sky 43
Esoteric meaning: extraordinary meetings

blue raspberry 77
Here's what it might mean: change of program

blue sign 1
Interpretation and meaning: birth of a child

bright blue water 25
For the cabal it could mean: awaits an excellent future

wearing blue apron 38
Explanation of the dream: womanish chatter

blue bottle 35
The explanation according to the cabal is: economic difficulties

blue flower 63
Dream meaning: lucky in love

apron blue 29
The meaning of the dream could be: short shift

blue typeface 45
For the cabal, the interpretation is: low energy

see the color blue 64
If you dreamed it, it means: happy omen

navy blue 75
Esoteric meaning: improvements to be addressed

light blue colour 44
Here's what it might mean: harassment passing

blue hair 39
Interpretation and meaning: numerous enemies

color blue 84
For the cabal it could mean: dangerous fall

Pope 58
Explanation of the dream: misfortune, sad and mournful event

Pope in function 81
The explanation according to the cabal is: delays and cancellations

Pope to the balcony 70
Dream meaning: fruitful relationships

hat by Pope 8
The meaning of the dream could be: emotions unjustified

visiting dad 54
For the cabal, the interpretation is: good organization

cornflower blue car 1
If you dreamed it, it means: perceived anxieties

blue eyes 41
Esoteric meaning: good news and expectations

blue flakes 19
Here's what it might mean: you need a break

dad 44
Interpretation and meaning: very good omen

blue shoes 6
For the cabal it could mean: solution of legal matters

poor dad 53
Explanation of the dream: coldness of relations

Pope in audience 21
The explanation according to the cabal is: appreciation flattering

Pope Enthroned 9
Dream meaning: new ideas to be realized

Pope ill 48
The meaning of the dream could be: moments of agitation

Pope cap 31
For the cabal, the interpretation is: bad social period

acclaim the Pope 5
If you dreamed it, it means: good news

Memorial Pope 50
Esoteric meaning: rebellions unnecessary

Pope in procession 16
Here's what it might mean: Achieving a popular destination

Pope at the council 66
Interpretation and meaning: solid ties of friendship and affection

Pope preaches 17
For the cabal it could mean: programs pleasant

Pope died 85
Explanation of the dream: fluke

Pope among the cardinals 6
The explanation according to the cabal is: strong attachment to traditions

Pope celebrates Mass 10
Dream meaning: hours of intense joy

Pope John Paul II 53
The meaning of the dream could be: upcoming changes

bluejeans 47
For the cabal, the interpretation is: news from people far away

bruise 33
If you dreamed it, it means: enmities of women

discolor clothing father 29
Esoteric meaning: You want to deal with economic problems

father dead 45
Here's what it might mean: vitality and well-being

kissing father 9
Interpretation and meaning: next change

honor father 38
For the cabal it could mean: providential help

pray to the Father 33
Explanation of the dream: request for help to problem

call the father 54
The explanation according to the cabal is: positions of responsibility