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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Dirt courtyard of poop. Dream interpretation, numbers for the lottery

Here's what dirt courtyard of poop means in dreams. Interpretation

courtyard with children 52
Meaning of the dream: requited love

sweeping a courtyard 66
The meaning of the dream could be: understanding and affability

courtyard with old 56
Dream Interpretation: physical strength

courtyard with men 40
If you dreamed it, it means: energy courageous

ancient courtyard 48
The dream interpretation is: excessive worry

courtyard with women 56
Here's what it might mean: selfish concerns

seagull poop 48
According to the Smorfia it means: disease subsided or confidence that will be exacerbated

Giraffe in a courtyard 21
For the cabal it could mean: attached to the family

courtyard 71
To dream this means: deception of friends

backyard 19
The explanation according to the cabal is: hopes that come true

cool courtyard 16
Dream meaning: you feel limited

yard with chickens 8
The meaning of the dream could be: family arguments

hat dirt 51
For the cabal, the interpretation is: oppositions in business

pennant dirt 69
If you dreamed it, it means: resistance tests

hood dirt 25
Esoteric meaning: abundance

Hague yard 64
Here's what it might mean: malaise of short duration

yard with animals 74
Interpretation and meaning: at this time we are missing the leadership

wrought yard 46
For the cabal it could mean: very near death of a close relative

touch the poop scoop 12
Explanation of the dream: success and good health

watering yard 77
The explanation according to the cabal is: happy news

heaping earth 75
Dream meaning: good news

dirt road 74
The meaning of the dream could be: family quarrels

dirt 5
For the cabal, the interpretation is: luck

smell of dirt 29
If you dreamed it, it means: drudgery

closet dirt 37
Esoteric meaning: contrasts sentimental

bucket dirty 3
Here's what it might mean: decisions to make

dirty town 25
Interpretation and meaning: economic improvements

dirty apron 75
For the cabal it could mean: failure

dirty storeroom 6
Explanation of the dream: quick decision

dirty towel 18
The explanation according to the cabal is: rapid progress

dirty environment 55
Dream meaning: revenge on enemies

dirty child 64
The meaning of the dream could be: liberation from commitments harassing

railway yard 80
For the cabal, the interpretation is: clarity of ideas

yard at rest 73
If you dreamed it, it means: new proposals

farmyard with wagons 29
Esoteric meaning: prosperity

farmyard with cereals 78
Here's what it might mean: gift required

land 11
Interpretation and meaning: protection and affection will come from a person close

princely court 25
For the cabal it could mean: Success in business

heaven on earth 75
Explanation of the dream: benefit safe

shovelful of earth 20
The explanation according to the cabal is: dangerous hazards

Earth monster 62
Dream meaning: exciting new achievements

bless the earth 53
The meaning of the dream could be: incomes

Red earth 38
For the cabal, the interpretation is: anxieties and fears

handful of earth 14
If you dreamed it, it means: lucky coincidences

black earth 14
Esoteric meaning: melancholy and depression

reach land 44
Here's what it might mean: good success will crown your efforts

deforested land 41
Interpretation and meaning: understanding and intelligence

Planet earth 11
For the cabal it could mean: need for a greater commitment

frog on earth 24
Explanation of the dream: constructive energy

own land 76
The explanation according to the cabal is: irrepressible vitality

eat the earth 2
Dream meaning: annoyance and fatigue

widen the earth 5
The meaning of the dream could be: You do many debts

clod of earth 4
For the cabal, the interpretation is: good omen of winter; bad omen in summer

glass of land 83
If you dreamed it, it means: excessive pride

land worker 14
Esoteric meaning: initiatives thwarted

yellow earth 58
Here's what it might mean: false news

lizard on earth 56
Interpretation and meaning: artificial attitudes

redeem land 39
For the cabal it could mean: accentuated selfishness

Holy Land 5
Explanation of the dream: surprise and unexpected

daubing with earth 54
The explanation according to the cabal is: welfare