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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Double bass bow. The interpretation of the dream, numbers of the cabal

Here's what double bass bow means in dreams. The numbers and Smorfia

double bass bow 13
Meaning of the dream: frankness and spontaneity

study the double bass 42
The meaning of the dream could be: original ideas

violin bow 53
Dream Interpretation: win in a fight

contrabass 63
If you dreamed it, it means: original ideas

hear playing contrabass 28
The dream interpretation is: steadfastness of purpose

broken bow 42
Here's what it might mean: exploitation by friends

by birds bow 43
According to the Smorfia it means: ambiguous proposals

playing the bass 42
For the cabal it could mean: considered judgments

Bow beak 46
To dream this means: good luck

colorful bow 11
The explanation according to the cabal is: satisfactions from work

loosing a bow 85
Dream meaning: intrigue hidden

draw the bow 5
The meaning of the dream could be: desire to please

bow with arrows 61
For the cabal, the interpretation is: faithful love

bow window 18
If you dreamed it, it means: resentments unnecessary

propping up an arch 11
Esoteric meaning: unfounded fears

arch 25
Here's what it might mean: honors for his friends

white bow 7
Interpretation and meaning: malevolent judgments

bow to partner 35
For the cabal it could mean: you are passive in a relationship

golden bow 49
Explanation of the dream: culmination of a dream of love

constitutional arc 25
The explanation according to the cabal is: authorities conquered

rainbow 44
Dream meaning: revived hopes dashed before, good prospects for the future

triumphal arch 11
The meaning of the dream could be: libelous speeches

wheel arch 3
For the cabal, the interpretation is: clarification in love

bridge arch 12
If you dreamed it, it means: weakness of character

rainbow be next 22
Esoteric meaning: change of location, or benevolent aid will INDEPENDENT from people who can help

rainbow toward the sunrise 11
Here's what it might mean: agi wealth, restoring healthy

rainbow on the side of the sunset 5
Interpretation and meaning: happy omen only for the rich

Lathe headband 28
For the cabal it could mean: bad purchases

bass drum 38
Explanation of the dream: fanciful dreams

sea ​​bass 3
The explanation according to the cabal is: do not trust the news refer

bass instrument 89
Dream meaning: sacrifices to deal

European bass 53
The meaning of the dream could be: flattering

bass singer 33
For the cabal, the interpretation is: quarrel

seeing double 6
If you dreamed it, it means: shyness exaggerated

double up 64
Esoteric meaning: abundance

double 45
Here's what it might mean: bad omen woes

Two double 27
Interpretation and meaning: increase your revenues

double mattress 50
For the cabal it could mean: union firm

double pay 9
Explanation of the dream: in labor disputes

double talk 80
The explanation according to the cabal is: happiness with relatives

double bed 60
Dream meaning: open struggle in family

double the capital 5
The meaning of the dream could be: unwise decision

double a credit 30
For the cabal, the interpretation is: difficult relationships

alcove with double 71
If you dreamed it, it means: long illness

double a debt 35
Esoteric meaning: momentary discomfort

double its staff 80
Here's what it might mean: successfully thwarted

a double pay 65
Interpretation and meaning: reactions appropriate

double portion 64
For the cabal it could mean: slander

double dowry 6
Explanation of the dream: cures and cares

double blanket 17
The explanation according to the cabal is: unexpected losses

pay double 9
Dream meaning: in labor disputes

double agent 24
The meaning of the dream could be: you re too selfish

double meter 85
For the cabal, the interpretation is: risky business and uncertain profit

double ladder 22
If you dreamed it, it means: unexpected conclusion

double chin 88
Esoteric meaning: honesty and prosperity

Get hooked a sea bass (fish) 77
Here's what it might mean: Good news in the field sentimental

double violets out of season 42
Interpretation and meaning: processes, loss of property and friends

double breasted jacket 40
For the cabal it could mean: you feel loved

mail to a double game 50
Explanation of the dream: affair secret

double-barreled shotgun 39
The explanation according to the cabal is: struggles and difficulties