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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Giraffe. Meaning and interpretation of the dream of Napoletana Smorfia

Here's what giraffe means in dreams. The interpretation and numbers

giraffe 50
Meaning of the dream: wild instinct freedom and rationality

giraffe drinking 8
The meaning of the dream could be: too lightly and little involvement in things

pregnant giraffe 72
Dream Interpretation: conflictual relationship with children

small giraffe 56
If you dreamed it, it means: childhood with few friends

fat giraffe 8
The dream interpretation is: tired of his present life

dead giraffe 45
Here's what it might mean: new perspectives and big changes

giraffe at the zoo 16
According to the Smorfia it means: do you treasure the experience of others

giraffe that runs 50
For the cabal it could mean: too much confidence

giraffe in a cage 70
To dream this means: you are free to decide

Giraffe in a courtyard 21
The explanation according to the cabal is: attached to the family

giraffe as a pet 60
Dream meaning: a nearby person is extremely arrogant

giraffe bends his head 14
The meaning of the dream could be: good luck

giraffe with a very long neck 6
For the cabal, the interpretation is: look around with distrust

Giraffe speaking 36
If you dreamed it, it means: message of your subconscious

catch a giraffe 26
Esoteric meaning: ideals are not always brought to conclusion

Giraffe eating 17
Here's what it might mean: need to fill in the gaps

Giraffe at home 32
Interpretation and meaning: little rationality in choices in your choices

puppy giraffe 74
For the cabal it could mean: need for new knowledge

become a giraffe 16
Explanation of the dream: You are taking advantage of bad opportunities and occasions

Giraffe surrounded by people 56
The explanation according to the cabal is: too your selfishness

Giraffe chased the lions 9
Dream meaning: important people to you mistreated

having a giraffe 49
The meaning of the dream could be: careful not to make mistakes in life's trials

ride a giraffe 68
For the cabal, the interpretation is: desire for attention

petting a giraffe 61
If you dreamed it, it means: too much clutter in your work

embrace a giraffe 87
Esoteric meaning: little attention from an important person

Giraffe aggressive biting 66
Here's what it might mean: thorny situation that you can not solve

see many giraffes 88
Interpretation and meaning: less arrogance and more humility

fatness more than usual 9
For the cabal it could mean: great wealth and vanity

low-fat meal 63
Explanation of the dream: increasing business

see the suet 43
The explanation according to the cabal is: remarkable progress

Catherine wheel 41
Dream meaning: harbinger of doom

Forest 60
Explanation of the dream book: there will be major challenges

set fire to the forest 90
For the cabal, the interpretation is: needs to resize

hyena in the forest 23
Translation of the dictionary of dreams: aspirations

through the forest 75
Esoteric meaning: Company risky and uncertain

get lost in the forest 17
Interpretation of the symbology: project that is successful

escape in the forest 52
Interpretation and meaning: envy hidden

panther in the forest 24
Dream symbology: strong emotions

forest with wild animals 63
Explanation of the dream: pleasures dishonest and dangerous

lost in the forest 6
Psychoanalytic explanation: harbinger of doom

forest with thieves 68
Dream meaning: bright ideas

animal 22
Explanation of the dream book: need love

injure an animal 69
For the cabal, the interpretation is: concerns and serious problems

ferocious animal 15
Translation of the dictionary of dreams: danger to the patrimony

animal charcoal 2
Esoteric meaning: intrigues

call an animal 67
Interpretation of the symbology: marital disagreements

snout animal 68
Interpretation and meaning: many contrasts

angry animal 90
Dream symbology: search for comfort

rapacious animal 75
Explanation of the dream: impressionability

stroking an animal 11
Psychoanalytic explanation: opposition to jealousy

rare animal 56
Dream meaning: projects of union

touch an animal 22
Explanation of the dream book: physical recovery

animal kingdom 46
For the cabal, the interpretation is: wish come true

animal bad 66
Translation of the dictionary of dreams: lack of patience with young people

an animal repellent 26
Esoteric meaning: heartbreak

capture an animal 14
Interpretation of the symbology: ideals collapsing

wild animal 66
Interpretation and meaning: passion accentuated

kill an animal 83
Dream symbology: malignant insinuations

animal exhibit 52
Explanation of the dream: excessive ambition

caged animal 69
Psychoanalytic explanation: small gain