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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Hug a dead celebrity. Dream interpretation and numbers for the lottery

Here's what hug a dead celebrity means in dreams. Neapolitan Smorfia

hug a dead man 65
Meaning of the dream: health hazard

political celebrity 66
The meaning of the dream could be: convincing words

hug a priest 13
Dream Interpretation: consolation

embrace a woman 40
If you dreamed it, it means: injustice

embrace a giraffe 87
The dream interpretation is: little attention from an important person

embrace relatives 79
Here's what it might mean: treachery

embrace parents 4
According to the Smorfia it means: benefit

embrace friends 89
For the cabal it could mean: treachery

embrace a debtor 53
To dream this means: security

embrace an artist 66
The explanation according to the cabal is: successful business

hug a stranger 90
Dream meaning: next trip

embrace your children 5
The meaning of the dream could be: news reserved

celebrity movie 10
For the cabal, the interpretation is: treason in love

dead cow 84
If you dreamed it, it means: disputes difficult

dead soul 14
Esoteric meaning: you need assistance for families

dead woman 11
Here's what it might mean: Crisis in love

dead whore 76
Interpretation and meaning: considerable fortune

dead daughter 33
For the cabal it could mean: obscure maneuvers to discover

hug a grandchild 40
Explanation of the dream: Escape from reality

hug a friend 48
The explanation according to the cabal is: novelty favorable

embrace a relative 60
Dream meaning: ideas shot down

embrace a blind 54
The meaning of the dream could be: disillusion

embrace an old 67
For the cabal, the interpretation is: concerns

dead seagull 50
If you dreamed it, it means: serious opposition

hug your spouse 6
Esoteric meaning: undue reliance

dead spider 61
Here's what it might mean: victory over an enemy

dead grandmother 33
Interpretation and meaning: good omens

dead sister 27
For the cabal it could mean: Good news and novelties

dead hand 88
Explanation of the dream: uncertainties about the future

dead bee 75
The explanation according to the cabal is: bad omens

dead giraffe 45
Dream meaning: new perspectives and big changes

dead bitch 23
The meaning of the dream could be: instability of mood

to hug 58
For the cabal, the interpretation is: need for affection

dead turtledove 84
If you dreamed it, it means: difficult problems

embrace the father 38
Esoteric meaning: intentions essays

dead mother 47
Here's what it might mean: increase of consideration

talk to a celebrity 8
Interpretation and meaning: end of love

embrace a sick 13
For the cabal it could mean: Deception by friends

embrace the enemy 41
Explanation of the dream: fear vanished;

embrace the virgin 4
The explanation according to the cabal is: good luck

embrace a creditor 81
Dream meaning: fear

kiss a dead 75
The meaning of the dream could be: longevity and profit

dead girl 33
For the cabal, the interpretation is: betrayal by employees

dead chicken 81
If you dreamed it, it means: distress of short duration

dead whale 74
Esoteric meaning: disagreements with family

dead ant 31
Here's what it might mean: problems at work

See dead mother 47
Interpretation and meaning: increase of consideration

embrace animal 35
For the cabal it could mean: tries to focus more at work

dead mouse 51
Explanation of the dream: family disgrace

hug a relative 45
The explanation according to the cabal is: good organization

embracing a drunk 19
Dream meaning: material loss

dead person 2
The meaning of the dream could be: good omen

dress a dead 20
For the cabal, the interpretation is: excellent prospects

dead butterfly 51
If you dreamed it, it means: Hidden Danger

dead woodcock 70
Esoteric meaning: unscrupulousness

viper dead 9
Here's what it might mean: difficulty overcome

Queen dead 85
Interpretation and meaning: hard times

heron dead 56
For the cabal it could mean: sweeping changes

embrace lover 50
Explanation of the dream: treachery

hug a cheetah 84
The explanation according to the cabal is: need to protect and help someone