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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

In procession blessings. Dream interpretation, numbers for the lottery

Here's what in procession blessings means in dreams. Interpretation

go in procession 59
Meaning of the dream: lasting bonds

Abbot in procession 39
The meaning of the dream could be: crucial meeting

Bishop in procession 77
Dream Interpretation: calm and serenity

Jesuit in procession 7
If you dreamed it, it means: quarrels at work

monk in procession 12
The dream interpretation is: good intentions secret

Pope in procession 16
Here's what it might mean: Achieving a popular destination

Cardinal in procession 90
According to the Smorfia it means: new experiences

halberdier in procession 1
For the cabal it could mean: caution

parish priest in procession 79
To dream this means: positive success

Capuchin friar in a procession 36
The explanation according to the cabal is: Danger averted

priest in procession 79
Dream meaning: lasting success

madonna in procession 38
The meaning of the dream could be: proposals that are successful

religious in procession 79
For the cabal, the interpretation is: personal achievements

crowd in procession 36
If you dreamed it, it means: annoying intrusions

blessings do 38
Esoteric meaning: contentment

procession 55
Here's what it might mean: honor, joy

procession in the street 59
Interpretation and meaning: surprise and news

Eucharistic procession 90
For the cabal it could mean: reconciliation with a loved one

procession to church 31
Explanation of the dream: deep understanding sentimental

prohibit a procession 89
The explanation according to the cabal is: confusion of ideas

singing procession 19
Dream meaning: new energy

religious procession 22
The meaning of the dream could be: disappointment in love

royal procession 46
For the cabal, the interpretation is: cheerfulness

torchlight procession 49
If you dreamed it, it means: intuition

baptismal procession 40
Esoteric meaning: satisfaction and profits

protest procession 77
Here's what it might mean: quite the opposite; the dreamer should expect no doubt fall from grace of his superiors

wedding procession 44
Interpretation and meaning: hard fight

be in the parade 26
For the cabal it could mean: complex to be overcome

funeral procession 83
Explanation of the dream: a firm resolve

political parade 9
The explanation according to the cabal is: ties secrets

blessing of a society 66
Dream meaning: versatile nature

processionaries 23
The meaning of the dream could be: death of girls

blessing 23
For the cabal, the interpretation is: happiness and joy

give the blessing 89
If you dreamed it, it means: need for economies

receive the blessing 60
Esoteric meaning: intuitive intelligence

Papal Blessing 90
Here's what it might mean: achievement of ideals

christ blessing 40
Interpretation and meaning: personal success

blessing of the bishop 40
For the cabal it could mean: stubbornness

Cardinal blessing 50
Explanation of the dream: important proposals

Carmelite blessing 4
The explanation according to the cabal is: you get business

Archdeacon blessing 38
Dream meaning: prosperity in your business

motherly blessing 58
The meaning of the dream could be: understanding towards others

blessing of the confessor 13
For the cabal, the interpretation is: judgments too conventional

blessing with the relic 80
If you dreamed it, it means: serious discord

pastor blessing 41
Esoteric meaning: love for beauty

Franciscan blessing 21
Here's what it might mean: resentment justified

blessing soldiers 45
Interpretation and meaning: lack of self-confidence

religious blessing 41
For the cabal it could mean: esthetic sense

paternal blessing 83
Explanation of the dream: opening new horizons in the family

blessing of a flag 20
The explanation according to the cabal is: irresistible attraction

contracting a disease 14
Dream meaning: spirit stingy

use scissors 87
The meaning of the dream could be: violent character

being chased by a cow 11
For the cabal, the interpretation is: inner insecurity

attend a meeting 84
If you dreamed it, it means: loneliness

open a door or gate 5
Esoteric meaning: quarrels with neighbors

barring a door 11
Here's what it might mean: energy costs hurt

use a fork 56
Interpretation and meaning: circumstances of fortune

be in a bar 67
For the cabal it could mean: heavy commitments

arm in a sling 45
Explanation of the dream: imprudence in speaking

sin with a woman 53
The explanation according to the cabal is: inner impediments