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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Insect brings luck. Interpretation of the dream, numbers of the cabal

Here's what insect brings luck means in dreams. Neapolitan Smorfia

brings bad luck 9
Meaning of the dream: letter providential

insect on person 73
The meaning of the dream could be: chatter unpleasant

insect that is eating 7
Dream Interpretation: thief thin, betrayal of next of kin

brings change 87
If you dreamed it, it means: Friends simulators

brings chocolates 48
The dream interpretation is: happy results

insect 3
Here's what it might mean: try not to be too hard on the faults of others

Fly insect 69
According to the Smorfia it means: bad intentions

crush an insect 30
For the cabal it could mean: social success

touch insect 39
To dream this means: security and balance

catch an insect 55
The explanation according to the cabal is: ambition

Lady Luck 75
Dream meaning: successes in work

luck in love 3
The meaning of the dream could be: negative attitudes

luck at lotto 69
For the cabal, the interpretation is: good advice from older

luck on his wheel 1
If you dreamed it, it means: proximate danger

wish good luck 64
Esoteric meaning: trouble passing

mascot (good luck) 77
Here's what it might mean: joy

insect flying 88
Interpretation and meaning: small loss

insect walking 28
For the cabal it could mean: messy business

planet of luck 31
Explanation of the dream: Lost Illusions

adverse fortune 49
The explanation according to the cabal is: accumulated work to be done

dead bug 17
Dream meaning: strong personality

beetle (insect) 8
The meaning of the dream could be: do not be discouraged, everything will turn out well

insect sting 28
For the cabal, the interpretation is: nagging thoughts

enrich thankfully 8
If you dreamed it, it means: forget everything that is not necessary

desire for fortune 1
Esoteric meaning: easily surpass all the problems that will arise

bad luck to the game 14
Here's what it might mean: gain, win

opportunity lucky 46
Interpretation and meaning: unnecessary quarrels

antenna bug 42
For the cabal it could mean: good intentions to follow

happiness 27
Explanation of the dream: You will overcome the problems in the best way

holy happiness 30
The explanation according to the cabal is: a special message has been given to you from the spiritual realm

commanding fortune 30
Dream meaning: on hold

seek their fortune 43
The meaning of the dream could be: goals not too far away

bandage fortune 90
For the cabal, the interpretation is: changes favorites

see their happiness in family 54
If you dreamed it, it means: serenity

lucky moment 1
Esoteric meaning: serious obstacles to overcome

lucky shopkeeper 55
Here's what it might mean: change of condition

lucky comedian 39
Interpretation and meaning: resentment unfair

joy for lucky escape 36
For the cabal it could mean: ingratitude of children

fluke 80
Explanation of the dream: generous feelings

cheer for love 5
The explanation according to the cabal is: artificiality in attitudes

cheer for healing 24
Dream meaning: decrease of vitality

fortune 7
The meaning of the dream could be: enthusiasms and projects

eunuch omen of bad luck 89
For the cabal, the interpretation is: danger

not have happiness 90
If you dreamed it, it means: happy future

lucky charm 37
Esoteric meaning: dispersion of forces

door 18
Here's what it might mean: boredom, fatigue

sliding door 22
Interpretation and meaning: everything will be better

door knock 64
For the cabal it could mean: you will have strong earnings

squint a door 5
Explanation of the dream: experience fun

door chain 57
The explanation according to the cabal is: strange situations

door of the house 64
Dream meaning: better fortune

fix a door 18
The meaning of the dream could be: envy declared

barring a door 11
For the cabal, the interpretation is: energy costs hurt

broken door 73
If you dreamed it, it means: scarce energy

patio door 82
Esoteric meaning: obstacles to more parts

glazed door 65
Here's what it might mean: you're bewildered

secret door 18
Interpretation and meaning: difficult relationships

unhinge a door 74
For the cabal it could mean: betrayal of a friend

panic door 71
Explanation of the dream: family trouble

seal a door 9
The explanation according to the cabal is: dangerous hazards