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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Many weights gym. Dream interpretation and the numbers for the lottery

Here's what many weights gym means in dreams. The numbers of Smorfia

measures and weights 33
Meaning of the dream: You are a slave of prejudices

lighten weights 3
The meaning of the dream could be: deserved awards

Weights and measures 33
Dream Interpretation: you are a slave of prejudices

balance without weights 70
If you dreamed it, it means: indolence harmful

gym 39
The dream interpretation is: new friendships and opportunities

go to a gym 18
Here's what it might mean: good business

inscribed in the gym 10
According to the Smorfia it means: energy physics

fencing in gym 18
For the cabal it could mean: victory over a rival

exercising at the gym 45
To dream this means: lasting ties

support weights 63
The explanation according to the cabal is: economic problems

work out in the gym 1
Dream meaning: adaptability

scales with weights 11
The meaning of the dream could be: identification in the near

outdoor gym 59
For the cabal, the interpretation is: Unexpected Journey

indoor gym 49
If you dreamed it, it means: good social position

weightlifting 81
Esoteric meaning: renewed determination and greater safety

reduce weight 71
Here's what it might mean: impressionability

control weight 34
Interpretation and meaning: hopes dashed

weight training 87
For the cabal it could mean: you will be well judged

A lot of animals 87
Explanation of the dream: economic situation stops

many golden horns 48
The explanation according to the cabal is: envy at work

do many kilometers 12
Dream meaning: challenging project

see many plane trees 34
The meaning of the dream could be: common sense

see many bats 3
For the cabal, the interpretation is: severe loss

see many goats (sheep) together 28
If you dreamed it, it means: inheritance

raise up a weight 6
Esoteric meaning: right insights

weight load 58
Here's what it might mean: excessive shyness

have a weight attached to the ears 47
Interpretation and meaning: busy life

sell by weight 40
For the cabal it could mean: contrasts to resize

gram (weight) 60
Explanation of the dream: fortune in businesses

calculate weight 40
The explanation according to the cabal is: initiatives guess

enclosure Weight 26
Dream meaning: interesting novelty

lose weight 68
The meaning of the dream could be: sorrow, loss of money or causes

hold a weight 66
For the cabal, the interpretation is: lucrative job

defraud weight 23
If you dreamed it, it means: irascibility

lose weight for a disease 81
Esoteric meaning: high feelings

lose weight for the heat 52
Here's what it might mean: trip thwarted

lose weight for fatigue 18
Interpretation and meaning: important decisions

quintal (weight) 44
For the cabal it could mean: fears you have to overcome

lost weight 1
Explanation of the dream: concerns or disputes

put on weight 49
The explanation according to the cabal is: immoderate desires, bad success

many millipedes 32
Dream meaning: people in life that you would not see more

weight scale 29
The meaning of the dream could be: obtain justice after allegations deserve

see many actors 27
For the cabal, the interpretation is: success happy and great satisfaction

sign of many colors 23
If you dreamed it, it means: vulgarity and rumors

be underweight 78
Esoteric meaning: protections helpful

many rooms 40
Here's what it might mean: encouraging news

so many ladybugs 54
Interpretation and meaning: little good news

making so much urine 11
For the cabal it could mean: expression of your creative ideas of your hidden talents

see many cobs 9
Explanation of the dream: being safe

bless the fate 89
The explanation according to the cabal is: problems to be addressed

plenty of oranges 16
Dream meaning: lucky in love

plenty of cards 36
The meaning of the dream could be: unfortunate speculation

many pipes 4
For the cabal, the interpretation is: increasing wealth

plenty of mushrooms 68
If you dreamed it, it means: good reputation

plenty of fish 17
Esoteric meaning: talk inconclusive

plenty of legumes 25
Here's what it might mean: you're under stress at work

bring lots 60
Interpretation and meaning: habits change

lot feat 80
For the cabal it could mean: infirmity long affair cheated

plenty of books 47
Explanation of the dream: News coming soon

patch up a lot 36
The explanation according to the cabal is: constructive efforts