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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Quilt blankets. Meaning and numbers of the dream of Napoletana Smorfia

Here's what quilt blankets means in dreams. The numbers and Smorfia

quilt blankets 22
Meaning of the dream: faithfulness in love

quilt pillows 3
The meaning of the dream could be: nuanced projects

patch blankets 77
Dream Interpretation: eccentricity harmful

hemming blankets 75
If you dreamed it, it means: penis secret

quilting mattresses 13
The dream interpretation is: lasting stability

quilt 33
Here's what it might mean: long convalescence

comforter blanket 56
According to the Smorfia it means: amusement hidden to someone

tattered blanket 87
For the cabal it could mean: sentimental conquests

wash duvet 90
To dream this means: remorse

padded sleeve 6
The explanation according to the cabal is: close loss, home business close to entangle or at least embarrassment of family coming by the groom or the bride on account of sex

upholstered couches 56
Dream meaning: expenses to avoid

dirty blanket 61
The meaning of the dream could be: pride

cover themselves with a blanket 28
For the cabal, the interpretation is: insecurity

spread a blanket 90
If you dreamed it, it means: great ideas

blanket 40
Esoteric meaning: warmth, love, security and protection

double blanket 17
Here's what it might mean: unexpected losses

white blanket 72
Interpretation and meaning: calm and balance

colorful blanket 5
For the cabal it could mean: desire for love

cotton blanket 44
Explanation of the dream: enthusiasm for work

wool blanket 9
The explanation according to the cabal is: solution of a deal

heavy blanket 2
Dream meaning: threats

silk blanket 63
The meaning of the dream could be: ambition fulfilled

travel blanket 42
For the cabal, the interpretation is: You have regrets of the past

clean blanket 38
If you dreamed it, it means: indolence and laziness

electric blanket 22
Esoteric meaning: mood swings

Covered discolored 85
Here's what it might mean: intense passion

dress covered with gold 7
Interpretation and meaning: sign of wealth and honor

covered market 69
For the cabal it could mean: reflection and readiness

sandwich padded 19
Explanation of the dream: sterile projects

be covered with feathers 18
The explanation according to the cabal is: hassles and annoyances

padded bodice 24
Dream meaning: remorse

quilting the hips 88
The meaning of the dream could be: concerns for older people

decorate with embroidered 75
For the cabal, the interpretation is: domestic happiness

have the body covered with sores 80
If you dreamed it, it means: great riches

be covered with hair 3
Esoteric meaning: health and long life

It is entirely covered in tattoos 79
Here's what it might mean: You are suppressing sexual desires or the desire to live for the job fault

someone completely covered in tattoos 70
Interpretation and meaning: you need to talk more about their problems

covered parking 58
For the cabal it could mean: protect someone from potential problems

have the back covered with ulcers 26
Explanation of the dream: triumph of enemies or envious, general contempt

have the body covered with maggots 76
The explanation according to the cabal is: great riches

duvet cover 44
Dream meaning: imprudence in acting

covered wagon 48
The meaning of the dream could be: thanks

padded 77
For the cabal, the interpretation is: danger of deceit

padded donut 31
If you dreamed it, it means: end of hostilities

led indoor 26
Esoteric meaning: good social life

consoler false 19
Here's what it might mean: dispersive activities

Cover the tin 22
Interpretation and meaning: threads unnerving

wooden lid 20
For the cabal it could mean: solid results

indoor gym 49
Explanation of the dream: good social position

tinned lid 29
The explanation according to the cabal is: good health

old cover 83
Dream meaning: violent character

quill pen 17
The meaning of the dream could be: small talk

sofa cover 57
For the cabal, the interpretation is: walk on the water with a friend

pot with lid 57
If you dreamed it, it means: benevolence

pot without cover 37
Esoteric meaning: likely difficulties

cardboard cover 70
Here's what it might mean: urgent problem to be solved

cover of parchment 80
Interpretation and meaning: existence agitated

plastic cover 20
For the cabal it could mean: victory over enemies

covered bridge 9
Explanation of the dream: contrasts intimate

cover of notebook 39
The explanation according to the cabal is: distrust