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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Remove a tooth to someoneThe interpretation and meaning of the dream

Here's what remove a tooth to someone means in dreams. The Smorfia

remove someone something 45
Meaning of the dream: malicious gossip

tooth removed 55
The meaning of the dream could be: change in your sex life

extricate the tooth 70
Dream Interpretation: rupture of relations

unseat a tooth 19
If you dreamed it, it means: trouble with health

get the hat a tooth 46
The dream interpretation is: separation of a relative

gold tooth 4
Here's what it might mean: economic benefits

tooth falling 13
According to the Smorfia it means: loss of loved one

bad tooth 44
For the cabal it could mean: grief and loss

dog's tooth 58
To dream this means: serenity and optimism

tooth broken 75
The explanation according to the cabal is: insecurity and weakness

white tooth 46
Dream meaning: good wishes

pull tooth 7
The meaning of the dream could be: hopes fade

false tooth 39
For the cabal, the interpretation is: lies and betrayals

tooth pork 46
If you dreamed it, it means: wealth of ideas

fill a tooth 15
Esoteric meaning: grief and loss

extirpate a tooth 16
Here's what it might mean: severe pain

tooth that moves 73
Interpretation and meaning: fear that something bad will happen

remove thorns 45
For the cabal it could mean: projects only partially feasible

remove nails 41
Explanation of the dream: You will break with a friend

riverbed tooth 11
The explanation according to the cabal is: contrasting opinions

tooth cat 31
Dream meaning: increasing vitality

tooth leaded 37
The meaning of the dream could be: you reflect on your private life

horse tooth 78
For the cabal, the interpretation is: interesting experiences

tooth hesitant 62
If you dreamed it, it means: illness or distress of relatives or friends

tooth pond 41
Esoteric meaning: humiliation

tooth growing 78
Here's what it might mean: visits

crooked tooth 19
Interpretation and meaning: need to make a change in their lives

tooth trembling 14
For the cabal it could mean: uncertain situation

aching tooth 35
Explanation of the dream: sorrows in family

remove the dentures 18
The explanation according to the cabal is: emotional unrest

remove the web 5
Dream meaning: successful outcome of financial firms

remove the tablecloth 72
The meaning of the dream could be: waivers and disappointments

remove the paint 81
For the cabal, the interpretation is: unexpected circumstances

remove the rind 56
If you dreamed it, it means: squabbles interest

little tooth 45
Esoteric meaning: was agitated

remove part of the wall 45
Here's what it might mean: unjustified resentment

remove stains from a carpet 25
Interpretation and meaning: brilliant statement

milk tooth 70
For the cabal it could mean: serious problems

root of a tooth 55
Explanation of the dream: grief from family

tooth beast 30
The explanation according to the cabal is: to curb impulsiveness

comb tooth 87
Dream meaning: contrasts to overcome

canine (tooth) 64
The meaning of the dream could be: anger

stepping on someone's feet 19
For the cabal, the interpretation is: squabbles interest

laugh in someone's face 7
If you dreamed it, it means: relevant solutions

throw in your face to someone mussels 48
Esoteric meaning: They are not honest with someone

remove a plug 10
Here's what it might mean: misunderstanding clarified

remove stains 21
Interpretation and meaning: Useful social relations

remove rocks 84
For the cabal it could mean: health recovery

remove tie 78
Explanation of the dream: obstacles and setbacks

remove seat stains 66
The explanation according to the cabal is: enmities and hostilities

remove something from the hook 65
Dream meaning: big win

remove stains a raincoat 90
The meaning of the dream could be: prudence in business

remove bone 55
For the cabal, the interpretation is: slight indisposition

remove an obstacle 36
If you dreamed it, it means: problems to solve

remove a corpse 12
Esoteric meaning: concerns about an elderly person

remove stains from a hat 24
Here's what it might mean: honesty and loyalty

trust someone 50
Interpretation and meaning: relief

give pill to someone 80
For the cabal it could mean: you have bad ideas in my head

give drugs to someone 78
Explanation of the dream: dishonest people near you

give title to someone 67
The explanation according to the cabal is: agitated and stormy discussion