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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Scab beaten. Meaning and numbers of the dream of Napoletana Smorfia

Here's what scab beaten means in dreams. Interpretation and numbers

scab beaten 86
Meaning of the dream: harmony of relationships

scab killed 75
The meaning of the dream could be: lasting achievements

wounded scab 79
Dream Interpretation: realization of desires

activist beaten 68
If you dreamed it, it means: passing pleasures

arrogant beaten 52
The dream interpretation is: security and tranquility

scab of a wound 29
Here's what it might mean: stubbornness and pride

deliveryman beaten 55
According to the Smorfia it means: instincts unchecked

cheater beaten 31
For the cabal it could mean: ambition fulfilled

motorist beaten 21
To dream this means: lack of money

Democrat beaten 18
The explanation according to the cabal is: want to kiss

beaten window 31
Dream meaning: good health

beaten on the arms 43
The meaning of the dream could be: anger and quarrels

beaten on the legs 21
For the cabal, the interpretation is: inconstancy in love

beaten on the hands 76
If you dreamed it, it means: anxiety secret

beaten on the shoulders 37
Esoteric meaning: you have too many envy

beaten by the square 54
Here's what it might mean: contrasts with subordinates

Silver beaten 44
Interpretation and meaning: lost objects

student beaten 31
For the cabal it could mean: the love of a partner, prosperity in business, health in family make life happy and peaceful

beat street 29
Explanation of the dream: risky business

quagmire 82
The explanation according to the cabal is: security

beaten track 67
Dream meaning: timidity and melancholy

crusty sores 16
The meaning of the dream could be: sorrows passengers

beaten copper 42
For the cabal, the interpretation is: moments of despair

clubbed 67
If you dreamed it, it means: your good judgment you procurer many advocates

adulterer clubbed 42
Esoteric meaning: you have too much anger and you have to control yourself

hit with a barrage 63
Here's what it might mean: contrasts serious

cradle cap 40
Interpretation and meaning: exaggerated optimism

whipping woman 78
For the cabal it could mean: bond without love

cheese crust 31
Explanation of the dream: excellent health

ice crust 58
The explanation according to the cabal is: dangerous business

rind boiled 15
Dream meaning: waste of energy

rind on the chop 42
The meaning of the dream could be: jealousies

Religious strike 53
For the cabal, the interpretation is: despair, brawl in family

strike 44
If you dreamed it, it means: sunset of an ideal

general strike 45
Esoteric meaning: misadventure travel

partial strike 12
Here's what it might mean: sense of boredom and laziness

strike justified 18
Interpretation and meaning: unfavorable resolution

strike unjustified 9
For the cabal it could mean: heated discussion

strike authorized 68
Explanation of the dream: strange moods

subway on strike 11
The explanation according to the cabal is: good cooperation

order a strike 39
Dream meaning: sunset of an ideal

strike animals 34
The meaning of the dream could be: failure of projects

bus strike 52
For the cabal, the interpretation is: abundance and richness

join a strike 20
If you dreamed it, it means: probability of changes

meet a picket 24
Esoteric meaning: novelty coming

wrought 50
Here's what it might mean: diseases avoided

wrought yard 46
Interpretation and meaning: very near death of a close relative

wrought brass 4
For the cabal it could mean: Professional Success

whipped with a rod 86
Explanation of the dream: unpleasant gossip of friends

wrought church 25
The explanation according to the cabal is: passing enthusiasm

bomber struck 60
Dream meaning: unexpected help from relatives

dagger being hit 7
The meaning of the dream could be: news

hit with a stick 19
For the cabal, the interpretation is: duplicity to a friend

getting hit in bursts 60
If you dreamed it, it means: tough discipline

being hit by stone 55
Esoteric meaning: lack of balance

clubbed on the head 36
Here's what it might mean: material well-being

being hit by a cyclone 42
Interpretation and meaning: News coming soon

being hit by hail 19
For the cabal it could mean: melancholy passing

being hit by shrapnel 15
Explanation of the dream: bickering love

being hit by a landslide 37
The explanation according to the cabal is: false friendships