Menu Neapolitan smorfia
Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Tortoises that mate. Interpretation of the dream, numbers of the cabal

Here's what tortoises that mate means in dreams. Neapolitan Smorfia

aquarium with turtles 35
Meaning of the dream: success in work

baby turtles 25
The meaning of the dream could be: happiness with the children

miniature turtles 4
Dream Interpretation: do you have a lot of friends

hatching turtle 80
If you dreamed it, it means: windfall gains

range of turtle 67
The dream interpretation is: maturation of projects

see the turtle 12
Here's what it might mean: lack of prudence

coupling of people 36
According to the Smorfia it means: exuberance

mate college 79
For the cabal it could mean: Good news

Check mate 29
To dream this means: run danger

big turtle 27
The explanation according to the cabal is: small gain

turtle pipe 50
Dream meaning: long period of opposition

little turtle 52
The meaning of the dream could be: difficult work

turtle 78
For the cabal, the interpretation is: success in work

turtle dead 8
If you dreamed it, it means: obstinacy and malice

turtle button 6
Esoteric meaning: You have patience

turtle bracelet 64
Here's what it might mean: love encounter

eat the turtle 85
Interpretation and meaning: earned success

little smiling turtle 20
For the cabal it could mean: violent quarrels

sea ​​turtle 36
Explanation of the dream: economic security

rimmed glasses turtle 82
The explanation according to the cabal is: prospects happy

Mating of animals 68
Dream meaning: winnings

matt silver 75
The meaning of the dream could be: bitter internal conflict

pair cats 5
For the cabal, the interpretation is: a villain will be taken and executed

animal that mates 1
If you dreamed it, it means: demonstration of loyalty in the work

jumble of goats 36
Esoteric meaning: wiles and tricks would of false friends

first mate 25
Here's what it might mean: you are responsible for many people

bench mate 56
Interpretation and meaning: momentary embarrassment

prison mate 26
For the cabal it could mean: next trip

soul mate 27
Explanation of the dream: shame and blame

companion 37
The explanation according to the cabal is: laziness and poverty

good companion 70
Dream meaning: generous enthusiasm

companion false 82
The meaning of the dream could be: correspondence unpleasant

faithful companion 55
For the cabal, the interpretation is: self confidence

royal escort 6
If you dreamed it, it means: expenses to avoid

companion orgies 13
Esoteric meaning: pains and sadness

escort of police 47
Here's what it might mean: News coming soon

sincere companion 24
Interpretation and meaning: new ideas and projects

dirty companion 53
For the cabal it could mean: thwarted love

escort weapons 29
Explanation of the dream: ruin of honest people or powerful man

pity by hitchhiker 5
The explanation according to the cabal is: strong emotions

companion in misfortune 64
Dream meaning: honest work

land 11
The meaning of the dream could be: protection and affection will come from a person close

collect land 16
For the cabal, the interpretation is: exceptional strength

lie down on the ground 68
If you dreamed it, it means: extravagant attitudes

cockroaches on the floor 3
Esoteric meaning: affirmation slow

widen the earth 5
Here's what it might mean: You do many debts

sleep on the ground 87
Interpretation and meaning: interesting revelations

clean ground 88
For the cabal it could mean: bad omen

fall into the ground 11
Explanation of the dream: need for more diplomacy

get up off the ground 38
The explanation according to the cabal is: inconsistency in work

drunk on the floor 47
Dream meaning: health hazard

rebel ground 29
The meaning of the dream could be: intentions tenacious

melissa ground 74
For the cabal, the interpretation is: harmony

reach land 44
If you dreamed it, it means: good success will crown your efforts

recline on the ground 13
Esoteric meaning: danger of extravagance

urinating on the floor 16
Here's what it might mean: trouble from friends

taproot of land 12
Interpretation and meaning: sound principles

Ground Storm 23
For the cabal it could mean: thief thin, betrayal of next of kin

Red earth 38
Explanation of the dream: anxieties and fears

shovelful of earth 20
The explanation according to the cabal is: dangerous hazards