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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Wanting a photo. The interpretation of the dream, numbers of the cabal

Here's what wanting a photo means in dreams. The numbers and Smorfia

faded photo 46
Meaning of the dream: old remorse resurface

passport photo 55
The meaning of the dream could be: something puts unnecessary anxiety

autographed photo 89
Dream Interpretation: diseases avoided

enlarge photo 19
If you dreamed it, it means: physical renewal

colorful photo 57
The dream interpretation is: good luck

photo portrait 4
Here's what it might mean: little past news

small photograph 48
According to the Smorfia it means: discouragement to overcome

attach a photograph 90
For the cabal it could mean: contrasts in the affections

photo holder 75
To dream this means: New contracts

photo novel 90
The explanation according to the cabal is: little dangers escaped

frame with photograph 42
Dream meaning: future plans

hang a picture 64
The meaning of the dream could be: success in love

want to sleep 63
For the cabal, the interpretation is: lack of understanding

want to eat 77
If you dreamed it, it means: pleasant events

Ecce homo pictured 50
Esoteric meaning: there will be major challenges

baby photo album 41
Here's what it might mean: superficial love

picture with portrait 15
Interpretation and meaning: rupture of relations

straighten a picture 47
For the cabal it could mean: struggles to sustain

kiss image 60
Explanation of the dream: gratitude demonstrated

old picture 79
The explanation according to the cabal is: restlessness and contrasts

want to walk 4
Dream meaning: indecision

want a woman 4
The meaning of the dream could be: deceptive flattery

want a job 73
For the cabal, the interpretation is: exaggerated expenses

want the drink 4
If you dreamed it, it means: fear of deceit

want an object 23
Esoteric meaning: encouraging news

want a diamond 29
Here's what it might mean: you need to be more humble

feel like crying 17
Interpretation and meaning: success in love

Photo studio 7
For the cabal it could mean: massive loss of wealth

photoshoot 61
Explanation of the dream: desire to be someone else and escape from the problems and present responsibility

photography 49
The explanation according to the cabal is: your final judgment

watch a picture 6
Dream meaning: deep aspirations

give a picture 66
The meaning of the dream could be: dangerous physical weakness

ancient picture 15
For the cabal, the interpretation is: required tolerance

album with photos 39
If you dreamed it, it means: vanquished foes

photos of children 36
Esoteric meaning: losses scarce

photos 57
Here's what it might mean: happiness in love

photo albums 32
Interpretation and meaning: humanitarianism

framework of ancestor 71
For the cabal it could mean: personal affirmation

exposed framework 21
Explanation of the dream: Protection of emotions or difficult experiences

fix a framework 66
The explanation according to the cabal is: superficial and fleeting relationships

scrape a picture 83
Dream meaning: willingness weak

dedication of a photograph 53
The meaning of the dream could be: confidence in the future

picture hanging on the wall 21
For the cabal, the interpretation is: momentary satisfaction

endear 4
If you dreamed it, it means: Danger averted

photograph antiquities 74
Esoteric meaning: melancholy passing

photo booth 5
Here's what it might mean: agitation passing

craving 57
Interpretation and meaning: stain on your soul

want a win 9
For the cabal it could mean: unpleasant news

want to laugh 40
Explanation of the dream: Critical to Avoid

want children 60
The explanation according to the cabal is: discomfort and nervousness

want of correspondence 4
Dream meaning: Fortunately lasting

see picture sacred icons 27
The meaning of the dream could be: all you will go for the better

framework to print 6
For the cabal, the interpretation is: change activity

photograph yourself 89
If you dreamed it, it means: disagreement with themselves

remove part of the wall 45
Esoteric meaning: unjustified resentment

flash (photography) 90
Here's what it might mean: love close

great photography 31
Interpretation and meaning: adaptation to the environment

black and white photography 42
For the cabal it could mean: laziness deplorable

photograph dead 30
Explanation of the dream: painful family quarrels

headshot 45
The explanation according to the cabal is: resentment to overcome