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Dictionary of Dreams - Numbers, meaning and interpretation of dreams

Win at rummy. Meaning and numbers of the dream of Napoletana Smorfia

Here's what win at Rummy means in dreams. Interpretation and numbers

win at Rummy 44
Meaning of the dream: considerations incorrect

play rummy 8
The meaning of the dream could be: danger of scams

see play rummy 12
Dream Interpretation: invitation cute

lose rummy 11
If you dreamed it, it means: optimistic outlook

win the regatta 90
The dream interpretation is: obstacles in family

win the quadruplet 68
Here's what it might mean: waiting anxiously

win a game 40
According to the Smorfia it means: hopes failed

win the cup 41
For the cabal it could mean: faithful friendships

win at cards 30
To dream this means: pride and exhibitionism

win with cunning 2
The explanation according to the cabal is: vain illusions

win at poker 33
Dream meaning: disappointment and concerns

win the quintet 21
The meaning of the dream could be: illusions that fade

to win both 40
For the cabal, the interpretation is: jewelry

win at slot machines 11
If you dreamed it, it means: not too elated

win 66
Esoteric meaning: are you sure of yourself

win checkers 42
Here's what it might mean: patience in working

win a terno 27
Interpretation and meaning: do not abuse in the game

win at the bingo 52
For the cabal it could mean: choice to make

win the jackpot 74
Explanation of the dream: economic disadvantages

win a prize 89
The explanation according to the cabal is: uncertain business

win a case 28
Dream meaning: practical sense

win a wolf 18
The meaning of the dream could be: complete triumph on the same

win a court case 37
For the cabal, the interpretation is: fear of tomorrow

win a trophy 10
If you dreamed it, it means: reactions proud

win a run 17
Esoteric meaning: messy feelings

win the war 7
Here's what it might mean: good friendships

win a battle 84
Interpretation and meaning: remarkable self-control

win a bet 40
For the cabal it could mean: shyness

winning the game 29
Explanation of the dream: loss of friends

win a quiz 64
The explanation according to the cabal is: delusions of friends

rummy 23
Dream meaning: you are losing control of your life

win soccer game 6
The meaning of the dream could be: gaiety

win a grabs 79
For the cabal, the interpretation is: change activity

fight and win with a guy 75
If you dreamed it, it means: malicious gossip and shame

win in tressette 54
Esoteric meaning: wrong impressions

winning a contest 74
Here's what it might mean: next trip

football pools win 86
Interpretation and meaning: sudden change of plans

desire to win 2
For the cabal it could mean: Love for children

win the disgust 14
Explanation of the dream: personality complex

play and win with dice 9
The explanation according to the cabal is: ance from a relative

winning the lottery 61
Dream meaning: waste of money

win an obstacle 6
The meaning of the dream could be: good health

win the race 2
For the cabal, the interpretation is: realizable illusory

work and earn 26
If you dreamed it, it means: happy future, profit

earn a billion 14
Esoteric meaning: hold open

gamble and win 13
Here's what it might mean: life a little 'unruly

gain safe 45
Interpretation and meaning: optimism

ter win 77
For the cabal it could mean: harbinger of doom

happy for winning 6
Explanation of the dream: uncontrolled shaking

win a billion 3
The explanation according to the cabal is: paltry payout

make proud for winning 76
Dream meaning: nerves to control

enrich for winning 23
The meaning of the dream could be: love declaration

win chess 78
For the cabal, the interpretation is: professional failure

win courtesy 43
If you dreamed it, it means: passion accentuated

see a player win 31
Esoteric meaning: Good news

want a win 9
Here's what it might mean: unpleasant news

gain wealth 80
Interpretation and meaning: apprehensions for the future

win challenge 31
For the cabal it could mean: do you think you invincible

buy the overcoat 51
Explanation of the dream: loss of friendships

boxing win 67
The explanation according to the cabal is: explaining to do